Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 0: Make up some goals (and some rules)

Don't get excited! This isn't really my first post. It's more like my first pre-post. I want to be able to start up on the first day of August without having to waste our time on things like, what TAA is and why I'm doing it and what the rules are. I figure I can do all that background work now! And since this blog is mostly for me, since no-one else will find it interesting (let's through in a little self-deprecation- that's the real way to connect with any audience), there has to be rules. And a backstory. 
The Backstory: A few months ago, most of my class went to Israel for three months and I took two months to myself and I achieved... nothing. I achieved nothing and I wasted two months of my time. So I resolved never again and now I'm taking carpe diem literally.
What is TAA? The Great and Wonderful August Adventure is blog (obviously) that chronicles my adventures through the month of August (again, obviously). For every day in August I'll set myself a task/goal to achieve for the day. And I'll take pictures. And then I'll write about it. 
The Rules: I like rules. They help me stick to my goals (You must do 25 squats! You have to do the laundry before watching anything on TLC!) So these are my rules for TAA, but if you decide to have your own month long adventure, make up your own rules that work best for you! Without any further ado...

Rule One: Thou shalt set a single goal at the point of waking and thou shalt stick to it. No matter what.  This could probably go without saying but the most important part of the TAA is that I set myself I goal everyday and I achieve that goal no matter what happens on that day. Short of mid-day hospitalization, I'll finish my goal!
Rule Two: Thou shalt carry a camera. I figure it would be a pretty boring blog if there weren't any pictures, so as long as it's legal, I'll be snapping and sharing some pics!
Rule Three: Thou shalt document each goal on the day it was accomplished. No pushing off blogging for tomorrow. If I think my day-to-day activities are interesting enough for someone else to read, then they better be interesting enough for me to write about before catching z's.
Rule Four: Thou may complete a goal over several days but it will only count for one day. This is perhaps the most confusing of all the rules. I have several things planned that will take several days to do, such as making a dress out of a bed sheet (yes, I know this would be quicker with a sewing machine but...shutup.) This means I can work on something for a couple days but it won't count as completing that day's goal until I finish it and when I do want it to count as the 'goal-of-the-day' I have to decide that in the morning just like a regular project. 

That seems like enough for today. I had wanted to write down a couple of my ideas for adventures but this post is already depressingly long. We still have many days in July for me to this so...
Later days!

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